Gardening and Homesteading

Chicken keeping often goes hand in hand with gardening and homesteading. While our chickens are beloved pets, they do offer all of those amazing eggs and a lot of food security. They’re also an important part of sustainable gardening and permaculture or regenerative farming systems. Aged chicken manure and composted bedding is some of the best soil building material around.

There are lots of great reasons to keep a garden, and so many different types of plants that you can grow! We both love growing herbs to use in our kitchens and share with our chickens. Flowers feed our senses and our pollinator friends, and many of them are edible as well. Then we get into the world of heirloom fruits and veggies and all of the amazing varieties that have stayed with us throughout history. (Like Holly’s apple trees. IYKYK)

This is the space where we share all of our podcast episodes and articles about gardening with/for our poultry and general homesteading or hobby farming. We’ll be adding more to this page, so check back frequently.

Homesteading and Gardening Podcast Episodes

Small Scale Homesteading with Stephanie Thurow and Michelle Bruhn. 

Preserving Eggs with Fiona

Chicken Safe Gardens

Articles and DIYs

How to Salt Cure Egg Yolks

DIY Candied Violets (also works well for other edible flowers)